So it's officially the unofficial last weekend of the summer on the Cape and I couldn't be happier to see it come to an end. It was actually a pretty amazing summer for me. I accomplished much more than I thought would be possible in the beginning...spent a ton of time with my guys...hardly sat in a single traffic jam...and was able to take photos almost every single day. Can't complain about that!
But Cape Cod isn't anything like it used to be after Labor Day anymore though. When I was growing up in Chatham, the day after Labor Day meant quiet. I mean run through the streets downtown quiet. Even the weather cooled off. The first day of school would be brisk enough for that new wool button-up your mom bought for you on sale at the Head and Foot (you're a true native if you know what store that is). But now, even though things definitely wind down, it stays pretty lively around here. Running through the streets of town these days would land you in the loony bin. But running on the flats of Cape Cod Bay when it's 22 degrees and snowing is totally acceptable...and I'm so looking forward to it!
Image taken at Point of Rocks Beach after getting
caught on a flat when the tide came in.
Brewster, Cape Cod.
Labor Day Weekend 2008
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." ~John Muir