February 21, 2011

"For some moments in life there are no words." ~David Seltzer

"Footfalls echo
in the memory
Down the passage
which we did not take
Towards the door
we never opened"

~T.S. Eliot

Rest in peace, old friend.
Rob Gray, 1969-2011.

February 10, 2011

"The years teach much which the days never knew." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Upturned toward the sun,
eyes closed.
That color
and warmth
I see
and feel
is the soul
on fire.

If only it remained
when again my eyes opened."

~Jeb Dickerson

Chasing the light.
Cape Cod 2011

February 03, 2011

"You will always be your child's favorite toy." ~Vicki Lansky

what a better world it would be
if we all -
the whole world -
had cookies and milk
about three o’clock every afternoon
and then lay down
with our blankies for a nap."

~Robert Fulghum

wasting time on another cold
and gray winter day.