June 27, 2015

“Climbing is as close as we can come to flying.” ~Margaret Young

“I walked slowly to enjoy 
this freedom, 
and when I came out of the 
I saw the sky over the prairie, 
and I thought that if 
heaven was real, 
I hoped it was a place I never 
had to go, 
for this 
was greater 
than any paradise.”

 ~Daniel J. Rice

a much needed trip to the mountains.
Mt. Mansfield, VT.
June 2015

June 19, 2015

"In my cousin, I find a second self." ~Isabel Norton

“You must give 
to make your life 
as beautiful 
as the 
that dance 
in your imagination.”

 ~Roman Payne

A beautiful sunset hike at Nauset Beach.
June 2015
Joanna Vaughan Photography