January 18, 2008

"The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer." ~Edward R. Murrow

What is it that makes a piece of art beautiful and something that everyone loves to look at? What exactly is it that makes one painting, sculpture or photograph a real standout? I know that each of our own perceptions of art are incredibly intimate and personal, but I also truly believe that there's a common thread that we all share when it comes to defining what we see and perceive as beautiful.

A fantastic website for photographers of all levels and abilities is Flickr. It's a great tool for studying real time photographers as well as to get some genuine feedback on the photos you post yourself. What I've learned the most from that site, aside from learning how to give and take constructive criticism like a pro, is a bit more about that common thread I was talking about. The photographs that are the most popular or get the most awards and recognition are also the most simplistic in their beauty; wonderfully captured and perfectly composed.
or me, it's a certain angle of light and the amazing attention to detail that it highlights so perfectly... but I don't want to start sounding too cliche when I talk about photography, or even art for that matter. It doesn't matter if you're a professional or an amateur photographer or even a famous artist represented in a
gallery, the ability to create something beautiful is in every single one of us. It simply takes the desire to see it, and the drive to create it.

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