April 28, 2010

"My soul is in the sky." ~William Shakespeare

a dialogue with clouds

free wanderers
take me with you
on your laughing flights of fancy
set me on your shoulders to share your joy

fanciful daydreamer
we are water-bearers
driven by the whims of winds half mad
crossing borders clandestine in the night
"sans papiers"
burden bearers

let me climb upon your cumulus mountains
and marshmallow castles
to dwell in your canyons of cotton and wool

climb you cannot
though our illusions reach to the limits of the heights
our castles are mists
our canyons but breezes
our mountains are what you breathe
wipe the sleep from your eyes dreamer

but let me lie in your muslin cirrus hammocks
as the world floats by below
let me see
as you do the dreaming sea sides from above
let me watch
as you do the yawning prairies roll

yes we would if we could lift you aloft
-to see the weeping of the unconsoled
and make you spill as we do tears of empathy upon mankind
-to see the earth ravaged and robbed bereaved of her children
then in a flash of light you would awaken and thunder as we do
we the ragged vagabonds of the sky

images taken in Chatham
Cape Cod.


jenious said...

Gorgeous captures! I always marvel at the sky's beauty while in Cape Cod and Mattapoisett. I can't stop taking photos of the sky and sea. The inspiration never ends.

i am... said...

Thank you!

Ele ^_^ said...

Wonderful atmosphere.. I would to be there!

myonlyphoto said...

My soul would be too - these are some beautiful skies. Anna :)